Monday, December 20, 2010

Time is Money

It is said that time waits for none and those who feel the importance of time they never waste it unutilized. If one neglects the importance of time, he always remains loser and the wealth of time is lost forever.
Such a story regarding importance of time is said that once there was a rich man who had two sons. He loved both of them and gave every kind of facility for passing of luxurious life and insisted both of them to get higher education. But the elder son was very irresponsible and never thought about his future and lost his time in luxury. Whereas, his younger son was very responsible and talented. He used to pass his time in study and gaining fruitful knowledge.
After the death of their father both the sons divided the wealth of their father. But the elder son, soon destroyed the wealth in luxury, whereas the younger son served his wealth and expensed in getting higher education and fruitful business.
As a result, the elder son became very poor and he had neither education nor wealth, because of he had lost his precious time and wealth. Now he had nothing to do except sorrow and grief. In the other hand, the younger son was passing very joyful life. The far difference between the two brothers was due to time factor. One lost his time and the other knew the importance of time and utilized it in his own benefit. So, it is correct saying that time is wealth.


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