Sunday, December 19, 2010

Importane of Education for Women

Development without education is impossible, therefore it is very necessary for every person, man and women, to be educated. Women has been considered to be subordinate to man, Her whole life is spent in showering affection upon others. Now time has changed, woman is also no longer slave of man. Modern women have the responsibilities of motherhood and in addition to nourishing, babies their prefer to work in schools, hospitals and offices.
If women in any country are not educated, about half of the people in that country will be ignorant. Educated mothers can live better upbringing and education to " heir children. Mothers lap is said to be the first school of child. So if the mother is illiterate, now we could a child get good education ?. This will result in less development and progress of country. Education teaches a women to become a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother.
An educated wife will be a good friend, and a useful adviser of her husband. He can share his thoughts with her and can seek her advice in trouble. If we take a look of our country, we see that share of women in education is very low. Only those women who live in big cities and towns, go to schools and colleges. This trend should be changed and facilities for education should be introduced in villages also. Educated women are assets for both family and country. It is very important that women should be educated and it will not be in fitness of the things to say that women were meant for home.


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