Monday, December 6, 2010

Science Curse or Blessing

If we go back in the Natural and stone ages, we see that the world was dark and there was wildness everywhere. There was no sense of any knowledge. They used to pass their lives in wildness and depend on hunting and fruits. They lived in caves.
Gradually, the population increased, so they needed to think over the facing problems. Thus , the human mind helped in invention. Now a days we are called the people of modern and scientific age.
Now the world has become too small. We can go to the distant countries within few hours. We can produce more crops with the aid of machinery and fertilizer. Different kind of machines have made the human being to fulfill their needs without any difficulty. Invention of new medicines and scientific procedures of treatment has increased the ages and minimized the diseases of human beings. The discovery of vitamins has helped in making the human being healthy.
Human beings have immensely developed agriculture, electricity, gases, technology and atomic energy. All these are the present of science and a boon for human beings. It is a boon indeed if we use them for constructive purpose but if it is curse indeed if we use them for destructive purpose. It depends upon our mentality, we can choose it either way for utilization of science.
The latest invention of science is Atomic Energy. This new scientific invention is a boon if they use it for the good will of human being, but most of the developed countries have converted this energy for destructive purpose. It is said that if the present atomic ammunition is used at a time. it is sufficient to destroy the world within minutes. The developed countries have full control on this technology and they are freely utilizing the energy for the development of their countries and producing atomic arms and ammunitions. But the third world countries cannot utilize these sources without prior permission of the developed countries. Though, they want to make their countries developed through scientific resources, but a ban on them has blocked the way of their development.
The conclusion of the essay indicates that science is a boon for the human beings to make their future bright and developed. But, it is also a fact that it depends upon our will. We can make the world, a heaven on the Earth.


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