Monday, September 27, 2010

Lesson no 3- Subject, Predicate and Syllabl

The part which names the person or thing we are speaking about, is called subject.

The part which tells something about the subject is called " Predicate ".

The English vocabulary is combination of various kinds of long and short words, so
make is easy to study long words by broken down those in parts is know is syllable.
there are four kinds of syllable.

1) Mono-Syllable:
A word which cannot be divided into more than one part, is called

2) Dis-Syllable:
A word which can be divided into two parts is called, Dis-Syllable.
1) Morning = Mor-ning.
2) Travel = Tra-vel.
3) Teacher = Tea-cher
4) Today = To-day.

3) Tri-Syllable:
A word which can be divided into three parts is called, Tri-Syllable.
1) Traveller = Trav-ve-ller.
2) Tomorrow = To-mor-row.
3) Informing = In-for-ming.
4) Discontent = Dis-con-tent.

4) Poly-Syllable:
A word which can be divided into four or more than four parts is called, Poly-
1) Disinformation = Dis-in-for-ma-tion
2) Misunderstanding = Mis-under-stan-ding.
3) Qualification = Qua-li-fi-ca-tion.
4) Discouraging = Dis-cour-ra-ging.


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