A word which is used in place of noun, is called " Pro-noun ".
I, We, You, He, She, They.
Kinds of Pronoun:
1) Personal Pronoun 5) Indefinite Pronoun
2) Demonstrative Pronoun 6) Reflexive Pronoun
3) Interrogative Pronoun 7) Reciprocal Pronoun
4) Relative Pronoun 8) Distributive Pronoun
NOUN is a word used as the name of Person, Place, Thing, animal, bird or reptile.
1) Ahmed is a good boy.
Ahmed is a NOUN because its name of a Person.
2) Karachi is big city.
Karachi is NOUN because its name of a City.
3) The Sun is shining.
Sun is NOUN because its name of thing.
1) Proper Noun. 4) Collective Noun.
2) Common Noun. 5) Abstract Noun.
3) Material Noun.
1) Proper Noun: Proper Noun is the name of particular Person, Place, thing, animal, bird or
1) Akbar was a great king.
Akbar is a proper Noun because its name of Particular Person.
2) Lahore is the capital of punjab.
Lahore is proper Noun because its name of Particular place.
3) Empress market is in karachi.
Empress and karachi are Proper Noun because both are
names of Particular places.
2) Common Noun: Common Noun is the name of Common person, place, thing, animal, bird
or reptile.
1) A man is reading a book.
Man is Common Noun because it used for male person.
2) A woman si cooking food.
Woman is Common Noun because it used for female person.
3) Material Noun: Material Noun is the name of those things which are in solid, or liquid
1) Water 2) Oil 3) wood 4) Gold 5) Iron
4) Collective Noun: Collective Noun is the name of a number of Collection of person or things
taken together and spoken of as a whole.
1) A Crowd assembled in the ground.
Crowd is collective Noun.
2) A mob rushed on the road.
Mob is collective Noun.
3) A flock of birds are flying.
Flock is collective Noun.
5) Abstract Noun: Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality, action, or state.
Quality: Goodness, Kindness, Dearness, Honesty.
Action: Laughter, Theft, Movement, Hatred.
State: Childhood, Slavery, Sickness, Poverty.
1) He shows kindness to the sufferings.
2) The movement of earth is a fundamental truth.
3) Hatred with human being is a bad habit.
4) Poverty is a curse for human being.

Defination of parts of Speech:-
" Words which are divided into different kinds or classes, according to
their uses or according to the work they do in a sentence, is called PARTS OF SPEECH.
eight parts of speech.
1) Noun. 5) Adverb.
2) Pronoun. 6) Pre-Position.
3) Adjective. 7) Conjunction.
4) Verb 8) Interjection
The part which names the person or thing we are speaking about, is called subject.
The part which tells something about the subject is called " Predicate ".
The English vocabulary is combination of various kinds of long and short words, so
make is easy to study long words by broken down those in parts is know is syllable.
there are four kinds of syllable.
1) Mono-Syllable:
A word which cannot be divided into more than one part, is called
2) Dis-Syllable:
A word which can be divided into two parts is called, Dis-Syllable.
1) Morning = Mor-ning.
2) Travel = Tra-vel.
3) Teacher = Tea-cher
4) Today = To-day.
3) Tri-Syllable:
A word which can be divided into three parts is called, Tri-Syllable.
1) Traveller = Trav-ve-ller.
2) Tomorrow = To-mor-row.
3) Informing = In-for-ming.
4) Discontent = Dis-con-tent.
4) Poly-Syllable:
A word which can be divided into four or more than four parts is called, Poly-
1) Disinformation = Dis-in-for-ma-tion
2) Misunderstanding = Mis-under-stan-ding.
3) Qualification = Qua-li-fi-ca-tion.
4) Discouraging = Dis-cour-ra-ging.

There are four kinds of sentences:
1) Declarative or Assertive sentence
2) Interrogative sentence
3) imperative sentence
4) Exclamatory sentence
1) Declarative or Assertive Sentence:-
A sentence that makes a statment or assertion, is called
declarative or Assertive sentence.
1) The bird sat on a trree.
2) A horse is running.
3) Ahmed is reading.
2) Interrogative Sentence:-
A sentence that asks a question, is called interrogative sentence.
1) Do you go to school ?
2) What is your name ?
3) Where do you live ?
3) Imparative and optative sentence:-
A sentence that expresses a command or an entreaty, is called
imperative sentence.
1) Go to here, you fool. 5) Kindly go there.
2) Do it now. 6) Excuseme please.
3) Do not do it now. 7) O Allah, guide me to the right path.
4) Shut the door. 8) May he live long.
4) Exclamatory Sentence:-
A sentence that expresses strong feeling, is called an Exclamatory sentence.
1) How fine a climate it is !
2) What a man he is !

The group of letters which makes any meaning, is called word.
1) He, 2) you 3) Book 4) Master.
each of these words are made up of different letters. that is called word.
A group of words which makes complete sense is called a sentence.
1) I read a book. 2) You go to school.
3) This is a cat 4) Ahmed is playing football.